I’m a bit late with this post, I know. But, as I often say, better late than never!
Paul and I saw Prometheus in early June. Alas, we were seriously disappointed — as we’ve been with most of the movies we’ve seen in the theater of late. (Even Brave didn’t live up to my expectations: the plot and the theme weren’t well-integrated, and the mother’s change of heart seemed substantially unmotivated.)
The major problem with Prometheus were all the ginormous plot holes, as this hysterical video points out:
However — and here’s my real reason for writing up this post, late though it may be — I strongly recommend that you read this essay if you’ve seen the movie, whether you liked it or not: Prometheus Unbound: What The Movie Was Actually About.
For me, the essay explained so much of what seemed random and incomprehensible in the movie. It didn’t make me like the movie any more, but I could see that the creators of the movie were attempting to push some clear themes. They just didn’t do so in a way that really worked, at the level of plot. Still, the analysis is pretty masterful.
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